Welcome to Companion Catch!

A fun little open-world game I made for the GDevelop Jam. 

Liluo.io link: https://liluo.io/games/ebcdf216-dcf9-48f0-bda7-a4db9bab7d8b

Catch 11 pets and avoid distractions to get in the door

This was actually pretty hard to do and I lost all my progress on the first day of making this so that made it more stressful than it had to be

control with arrow keys and space to jump press space two times to double jump and press jump on a wall to wall-jump

i put so many bad jokes in this game


Companion Catch Installer.exe 71 MB


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clone containment center was a pretty fun thing to find lol!

Check out my game as well, you might like it

Love the loading screen

C a r l o s

What did I just play, also I fell into the void. It is near the house with two Sonics

yeah im sorry about that. i left it without a barrier

Pretty interesting